People are wondering how a candidate with no previous political experience, no organization to speak of, and a series of conflicting messages can be leading in the polls. I think it’s perfectly understandable. People are sick and tired of professional candidates who adjust their message or say different things to different groups simply to get elected. They also are wary of the slicksters with a pocket full of money whose main aim is fame and fortune, but who can turn a phrase without ever making a mistake. Cain says it like he sees it, even if it doesn’t make much sense. And, he doesn’t attack people or get nasty. He comes across as a sincere, nice guy. That can be very attractive in a campaign where’s he competing with a bunch of old polls who play politics with everything that comes out of their mouths and have flip-flopped on many issues.
Democrats wonder how Republicans can be so interested in a guy whose policies seem so outrageous to them. Well, they don’t seem so outrageous to many Republicans, who vote their feelings on religion and other social wedge issues, not analytical or scientific constructs about the economy or the environment. Their judgment of the person’s character and his similarity to their way of thinking trumps a lot of policy issues.
Democrats should look at why candidates like Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader have gotten nowhere in their party. I would conclude it’s because they aren’t afraid to say it like they see it. They aren’t polished enough, or acceptable enough to the in crowd. Their pronouncements seem too far from the status quo promoted in the press. For this, they are marginalized.
If we still had a Republican president at this time, I think we would be seeing similar behavior from the Democratic Party that we are now seeing from the Republican Party. We are in a major economic and political crisis, and people are looking outside the box for new and more extreme measures to correct the problems. If it were the Democrats with a large field of candidates running against an incumbent Republican president, I think we would be seeing candidates like Kucinich and Nader leading in some polls against more establishment oriented candidates. And, the Republicans would be wondering how the Democrats could be so interested in them.