I think it's time to clarify the distinction between capitalists and businessmen. We sometimes consider them one and the same. Capital is life blood of business. If businesses want to innovate or expand, capital is almost always needed beyond that which the people running the business can provide. So they turn to capitalists to provide it.
Capital is accumulated when individuals or businesses earn more than they need for day to day operations or consumption. So, they look for a place to put it where they can access it later, or where they can earn a return on it by lending it to someone else. Banks used to be businesses that fulfilled this role. They take deposits from people or businesses, pay them a return for the use of their money, and lend it out to others who can use it to innovate, expand or acquire infrastructure like homes, land, buildings, transportation, machinery, etc. Such assets have value to those who acquire them and value to the society in improving our standard of living.
So what is a capitalist? Anyone who accumulates wealth beyond their needs and lends it to others. This can take the form of bank deposits, stock or bond purchases, or personal loans. In this sense, a capitalist can be an individual, a small business, or a mega-conglomerate.
So what is businessman? Anyone who starts or acquires an enterprise which provides goods or services to others for a profit.
So what is the distinction? If a capitalist operates a bank, brokerage, or other business strictly as a service to others for a profit, they are a businessman. But, if what the capitalist is doing no longer becomes a service to others but an impediment to needs of others to innovate, expand, or acquire infrastructure to facilitate their operations, they are no longer a businessman, but only a pure capitalist.
The distinction is easily seen by considering what is happening in our financial markets now. Our financial system, when run efficiently, provides the necessary capital to allow the smooth functioning and funding of our productive enterprises. The stock market and banks provide the capital for companies like GE and Home Depot to innovate or expand their operations, and to provide the necessary cash flow for day to day operations. This is often called liquidity. To maintain liquidity, banks have to provide reserves to allow withdrawals by depositors, and they must take care to assess risk properly and limit leverage so they don't get caught in a bind if asset values start to fluctuate wildly. They must take care not to get trapped in viscous cycles by assuming conditions will continue to progress as they have in the past. In short, they must be always vigilant that they are there to provide a valued service and not to take advantage of their position to enrich themselves at the expense of the economy they are serving.
Deviating from these principles is what caused the current economic crisis. Businessmen in the finance industry abandoned their role as businessmen and became pure capitalists. Seeing their competition use leverage and derivatives to increase profits at the expense of risk, they had a choice to make, continue being conservative and providing a business service for a reasonable profit, or jump on the band wagon and do what their competitors were doing to make better returns. This happened at all levels of the economy. Even though the average Joe or Jane didn't come up with any fancy derivatives to increase their return, they were more than willing to use leverage and credit, engage in speculative transactions like flipping assets for a profit, and invest in stocks for no other reason than that they were going up, with little consideration of the value of the underlying investment. They added to their stock of credit cards and borrowed on their homes to increase consumption, paying little attention to what would happen when they had to pay off these debts. Banks stopped being businessman and reverted to pure capitalism, sending out credit cards to people without due consideration of their ability to pay. Instead they just assumed a percentage were going to go bad. As is now apparent, this kind of behavior is what has led to the many bubbles that have formed, and that have now caused our credit markets to freeze up.
So what are bubbles? A bubble forms when asset prices are bid up due to the expectation that a current trend will continue, ignoring the underlying asset value. It's essentially a switch from fundamental investing to speculation. Individuals can get by with a whole lot of speculation for a while, then go broke and start over. But, when the whole financial industry engages in the process we get what we have now, a credit crises, where everyone loses confidence in the people and businesses they do business with in a normally functioning market environment.
What has happened over several decades is the finance industry has syphoned off a sizeable portion of the GDP to enrich those in the industry at the expense of productive businesses who need their capital and services to grow and innovate. We are at a point now where capitalists would rather put their money in treasuries at near zero rates of return, than invest in businesses which need the capital to function and grow. During the housing bubble buildup capitalists, large and small, made abnormal profits by encouraging people to buy houses with little or nothing down, low or zero interest rates initially, and other incentives to unsophisted buyers. The real estate industry and the housing industry went along because it was very profitable. But, anyone could have seen that at some point homes would become too expensive to sustain the rate of sales and the bubble would deflate, which it did. That in itself wouldn't have caused the crisis we are now in, if large financial institutions had not shifted from being businesmen to pure capitalists, chasing profits without regard to risk.
Now we find ourselves in a situation where the capitalists money is sitting on the sidelines in treasury instruments earning little or no return, while businesses and individuals are starved for the lifeblood they need to function efficiently. We should realize that every dollar that goes into a fat salary of an executive is a dollar that could be used by some innovator or businessman to improve the standard of living for all. Every dollar that is tied up in a bank not being used, or is being paid to a congressman to write a loophole for a capitalist is not being used to improve our standard of living. Every dollar that goes to buying the sixth or seventh home, the yacht or private jet for someone who successfully gamed the financial system is not going to improve the standard of living for all in our society. The redistribution that is taking place is not from the rich to the poor, it's from all of us to people in the finance sytem who are gaming the system by being pure opportunistic capitalists instead of business people who provide capital to our productive businesses for innovation and growth.
So how does the government fit into all this? First, is important to recognize, as we have seen historically, that the business environment is not stable without some form of regulation. This can take many forms. Non-government agencies like the Fed are charged with containing inflation and maintaining stable employment and growth by adjusting the money supply and providing credit as needed. But, they are not charged with containing speculation or regulating the business environment, particularly preventing bubbles from developing. They don't have the tools. And government oversight is hindered by the campaign financing and lobbying activity that influences government officials. The revolving door of individuals moving from industry to goverment and back also contributes to a lack of objectivity in regulating business. This must change if we are to secure anything resembling long term stability and an efficient system.
When we have a crisis like the one we have now where the government is receiving funds from capitalists for essentially safe keeping at little or no interest, they must use this money to provide relief to the people and businesses that would normally be receiving it to innovate or expand their businesses or to individuals that can use it to get out of a bind and continue productive employment and purchasing. Instead, they are using it to relieve the pressure on a non-productive finance industry that was instrumental in causing the problem in the first place. This money should go to directly to aid the people and businesses that are productive, to improve infrastructure, and to increase demand for useful goods and services in a declining economy.
The bottom line is that we must come up with incentives for people, businesses and government to keep its eye on how money passing through the economy is being used. Where it is not being put to productive use, government regulations and tax policy should be adjusted to see that it is. The government is charged with promoting the general welfare and this a fundamental role of government.
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